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Author Carpentry : Using Markdown and github to author for web and print

Content Contributors: Sebastian Karcher

<<<<<<< HEAD Lesson Maintainers: Sebastian Karcher =======

This template is inspired by the software and data carpentry templates, but it employs the mkpage site generation tool as an alternative to Jekyll. Full usage information is

Content Contributors: Name

Lesson Maintainers: Name >>>>>>> 701cfda (Rendered Content)

Lesson status: In Development

What you will learn:


  1. Topic 1: Getting Started
  2. Topic 2: Markdown Syntax
  3. Topic 3: Github Pages
  4. Topic 4: Jekyll Setup (optional)
  5. Topic 5: Site Structure
  6. Topic 6: Changing your site theme (optional)
  7. Topic 7: Transforming markdown using Pandoc


Author Carpentry’s teaching is hands-on, so participants are encouraged to use their own computers to insure the proper setup of tools for an efficient workflow. These lessons assume no prior knowledge of the skills or tools, but working through this lesson requires working copies of the software described below. To most effectively use these materials, please make sure to install everything before working through this lesson.

  1. Create a github account if you do not have one already
  1. For Windows users: Install git via
  1. You should have a good text editor. Atom is a free an open source editor with excellent markdown support that we highly recommend you install and use, and some portions of this course rely on atom.
  1. Pandoc software allows you to transform many (many!) text-based formats. For most users, simply downloading and installing the installer for your operating system from the Pandoc site is all that is necessary. Pandoc also provides more detailed installation instructions.

Cheat Sheet
