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Introduction to R Markdown for Reproducible and Dynamic Reporting

3 hours

Learning Objectives

Anatomy of an R Markdown Reproducible Report

It’s time to start building your own Reproducible Report! The course instructors have prepared all the content as text and script files, so you can focus on learning R Markdown. Let’s go step by step:

Setting up your file

In RStudio, navigate through the Files pane to the FSCI-2019-files subfolder and open the exercise file Base_2013_2.Rmd. Immediately save it as Base_2013.Rmd and close the ‘_2’ file. We will continue to work on the ‘Base_2013.Rmd’ file during this lesson. By the end of the course, that file will be ready to publish online, showcasing your open authoring skills!

Organization of our .Rmd exercise file:

How RStudio Knits Documents

RStudio relies on a stack of technologies that work together to make plain text authoring simple, reliable, enjoyable, and powerful. This conceptual stack is represented below. (Figure copied from RStudio, “How It Works”,

Rmarkdown workflow


Markdown is a set of simple markup annotations for plain text files. R Markdown files (.Rmd) rely on a variant of Markdown known as Pandoc’s Markdown.

According to RStudio’s Markdown Basics tutorial, you can use Pandoc’s Markdown to create the following elements in an RMarkdown file:

Recommended resources on RMarkdown


Knitr is an R package that executes all of the code chunks and inline code in an Rmarkdown document. It then creates a new markdown (.md) document which includes the code and its output.

Recommended resources on Knitr


Pandoc is considered the swiss army knife of document converters because it can transform a number of different markup formats such as .md or .html to many other formats, such as .doc, .pdf, html_slides, etc. Pandoc is also able to render rferences in a document to properly-formatted citations that follow a particular citation style.

Pandoc is a command line tool that is independent from R. However, it comes bundled with R Studio because Rmarkdown relies on it for document conversion.

Recommended resources on Pandoc

Use basic RMarkdown formatting to control how the document is displayed:

YAML Header

In the author field, enter your own Name and Institution with the entire string of text surrounded by quotes. In the date field, enter today’s date.

Text Document

Scholarly publishing requires us to format our text documents to clarify meaning. For example,

Let’s add R Markdown syntax to our report to better communicate its meaning.

  1. Create headings and subheadings by inserting one or more # symbols at the beginning of a line, followed by a space. One # is for a level one header, ## for a level two header and so on.

    For this Exercise, assign Level 1, 2, and 3 headers so the exercise file reflects the sections of a Data Management Plan. You may use or own judgment as to which headings to assign which level – look for horizontal rules marked with four asterisks **** to designate the start of each major section. Alternatively you may consult a model Data Management Plan format such as the UK Digital Curation Centre’s checklist online at

  2. Add emphasis to the text, where appropriate, using single or double asterisks or single or double underscores. either type of character works, as long as it is matched on both sides of the emphasized phrase. You may find text phrases in want of emphasis include the phrase “Not Applicable”; the title of the Project; and titles of publications.

  3. Superscripts and subscripts can be added by surrounding the text with the symbols ^ and ~ , respectively. Find one phrase in the ‘Project Description’ section in want of a superscript and another, a subscript. Mark these occurrences up accordingly.

  4. Find two quoted text blocks and insert the > symbol at the beginning of each to markup these passages as blockquotes (maybe you remember this from old e-mail programs?)

The result will display as oddly large text indented from the left. We’ll fix the oddly large text issue in a later lesson.

  1. Bulleted lists: To make unnumbered bullet lists, start each line with a single asterisk * or - hyphen and a space for the bullet item. Numbered lists work the same way using 1. 2. 3. or a. b. c. Be sure to have a blank line before starting the list.

    To make a nested list, indent four spaces below the first level bullet and add another bullet

    For this exercise, find the list bullets in need of formatting and add the relevant R Markdown syntax. Bullets appear in ‘Related Policies’ and in ‘Data Being Collected’.

  2. To display technical terminology or other non-proportional text, use the backtick symbol. A single ` on both sides works for short bits, and three backticks ``` in a separate line above and below is best for larger codeblocks.

    Find the name of a computer file (ending with ‘csv’) in the exercise file and mark it up to represent inline code

    Find an example of a code block in the exercise file. When you find one, place a blue sticky note on your laptop lid, and knit the document to html, and go grab a snack!

  3. Create multiple links to content elsewhere by placing each link text in square brackets [] followed by the link address in round parentheses (). Don’t forget to include http:// or https:// at the beginning of the link address.

  4. Create one inline image by adding an exclamation mark ! in the text, then placing the image name in square brackets [] followed by the image file address in round parentheses (). (TIP: Make sure there is no space between the text in brackets and the address in parentheses!)

  5. Add four footnotes to the text in the exercise (replace the placeholder ‘FN-’) by inserting the caret symbol ^ outside of square brackets [], and inserting the footnote content inside those brackets.

  6. Pandoc supports crude tables created with the pipe | and - symbols to designate cell borders, and the + symbol to control text alignment in a cell. The exercise file provides the makings of a pipe table in the ‘Expected Outputs’ section. The final row of data needs formatting – insert | symbols six times. Also, remove the instructions above that line so the table will knit clean.

  7. You have done quite a bit of work! Save the file and knit it to both HTML and Word. Compare the results to see if anything changes based on output file format.

Document Sections

We have lots of sections in our document; it would be nice if these were listed in a table of contents and numbered so we could easily refer to a specific section. We don’t want to have to manually update the table of contents or renumber everything when we move sections around; we want knitr to do as much as possible automagically.

In order to customize the appearance of our document, we need to pass information to knitr about what we want. We use the YAML header, where we customized the title and author, in order to set specific options.

Table of Contents

In the YAML we have a number of output formats. You’ll notice when you change the knitr output format that the format you’re interested in moves to the top of the list. We can make customizations to the format by removing the word default after the format and including an indented list of options. If we want to include a table of contents, we add the option toc: yes to both the word_document and html_document formats. Then use the knit button to see the results.

There are options that impact the appearance of the TOC. For example, you can remove a layer of TOC sub-sections (like ‘Metadata’ under Data being collected) by using the option toc_depth: 2

Section Numbers and Formatting

Section numbering is where the behavior of different formats starts to diverge. To add section numbers to our HTML document we just need to add the option number_sections: yes. We can also have the TOC appear as a document sidebar by adding toc_float: yes to our options.

For the Word document, section numbering is controlled by the document theme (below).

Document Themes and Custom Formatting


The knitr package supports built-in themes that format the overall document. Click here to view available themes. You can control which theme is used for the document by adding theme: readable. Try switching to a different theme and see what happens!

These themes are built using standard web Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). If we don’t like how any of the built in themes look, we can add a CSS style sheet to make specific changes. In our exercise file document, the quoted text looks too big; the font is larger than the surrounding text! We’ll control this oddity with a style sheet. To do so, make a text file by going to File/New File/Text File in RStudio. This will open up an editor window where you can paste the following CSS code chunk:

blockquote {
    padding: 10px 20px;
    margin: 0 0 20px;
    font-size: 14px;
    border-left: 5px solid #eee;

This will edit the spacing and font size of all the quotes in the document. You can use similar standard CSS to modify the appearance of all other elements in your document. Remember, markdown is really just an easy way of indicating HTML tags, and CSS lets you modify those tags.

When you have a completed css file, click the save icon and save the file as custom.css. Note that you can call the file anything you want, but it’s good to include the css extension. You can then load this file in your document by adding the option css: custom.css to your YAML header.


You can customize Word document styling, such as fonts, sizing, and section numbering, within the Word program. You can then provide knitr with the stylized Word document to use as a style sheet of sorts. Because editing Word document styling is a pain, we’ve created a Word document with section numbering that you can use. You just need to add reference_docx: "Base_2013_day3_style.docx" to the YAML header for the word_document type and knit to see the result.

Integrated Code

The benefit of using RStudio to author reports is that you have the ability to perform computation, live within the document. First, let’s load some data into our exercise file. Look at the top of the file where the DOAJ data is imported in a code chunk. Code chunks are demarcated by three tics ```. The first group of tics is followed by a label that indicates the type of code and a description. So, the label in this example is {r add_dataset}. You’ll see RStudio makes pretty formatting around the code chunk. There are options for each chunk, and you can run the code by clicking the green arrow (located in the top right corner of the code chunk box). You’ll then notice an output message and a change in the right ‘Environment’ section of RStudio. The message is the output from the operation, and the right panel shows that the data file has been loaded. You can hide the output message by clicking on the up arrow or modifying the options so that message=FALSE.

Let’s add a new code chunk that will do something fun! At the bottom of the ‘Project Description’ add a new code chunk with the label {r plot_country,echo= FALSE,fig.width=10,fig.height=11}

Open insert_plot1.txt and copy the code to the body of the code chunk.

Click the green button and you’ll see a plot appear, generated by the ggplot2 package. When you knit the document, this code will also execute and place a plot in the document.

We can do the same thing to generate additional plots. Add the code from insert_plot2.txt with the label ‘plot_license’ before the section on Metadata.


References are another area of document preparation where automation is really helpful. References in knitr are handled with BibTeX files (.bib). BibTeX is a reasonably standard reference citation format that can be produced by most reference managers and online services. We’ve provided the bibliography file oajournals.bib for you to work with during this course.

References are handled in the bibliography section of the YAML header. Add the following to the YAML in our document:

bibliography: oajournals.bib

This tells knitr to use the oajournals.bib file for citations in the document.

Let’s open the oajournals.bib file and see what it looks like. You’ll see citation information about each article in groups indicated by a document type tag, e.g., @article, followed by a unique citation key (typically the last name of an author and the year of publication, e.g. Young_2015), followed by citation information. If you look at the exercise document, you’ll note that all of the citations have thus far been written manually (e.g., Castro et al (2017)). We’ll want to replace them by these (machine readable) document type tags that knitr will be able to combine into a Reference List at the end of the report. We use the @ symbol to indicate a reference, so we need to replace each reference with the appropriate tag, for example @Castro_2017.

The reference list is automatically added to the end of the document, so we can delete the dummy references that were there. You’ll notice that Vasilevsky_2017 showed up in the text as n.d., even though it’s in the reference list. If we look in the BibTex file, we see that no authors and date are defined for this reference. knitr tries its best, but won’t correct or complete references if the proper data is not available in the .bib file.

Let’s fix the problem by grabbing a correct .bib file. One great source is the DOI registration agencies. Put the DOI for Vasilevsky_2017, 10.7717/peerj.3208 into the Cross Cite DOI Citation Formatter service and select bibtex as the citation style. Copy the BibTeX code into oajournals.bib, change the long default citation key to Vasilevsky_2017, and check that the citation is now correct.

The citation style defaults to Chicago. If you want a different citation style, you can download a csl style file from the Zotero style registry. Download your favorite citation style and put it in your directory. You add the citation style file by using the csl section of the YAML (this is a new section, like bibliography):

csl: american-chemical-society.csl

After knitting, you’ll see the citation style change.

Embedded Sub-Documents and Math

To date we’ve been writing everything in one R Markdown document. We can actually build our document from sub-documents that knitr will integrate into the output. The sub-documents (aka child documents) do not have to contain a complete YAML header because they are designed to be integrated into the ‘main document’ or ‘parent’ at knit time.

To see how this works, find a document in your folder called equations-child.Rmd. You can see that this file has a minimal header followed by some R Markdown text. You’ll also see some equations written in LaTeX. That’s right; you can write LaTeX within an R Markdown document and it will get correctly formatted at knit time! :D

Let’s add the child document at the end of the ‘Project Description’. You add child documents with a code chunk, and include the document location in the label, for example: {r equations, child = "equations-child.Rmd"}.

When you knit you get nicely formatted equations, in both HTML and Word.

Using multiple child-documents is a convenient and tidy way to manage multiple sections in a single long report. Each section can be authored and tested separately without bogging knitr down with one long scrolling document. Additionally, if just one section needs to be changed or updated over time, the parent-child authoring approach isolates the change to the necessary file without opening (and possibly inadvertently introducing errors) to the longer parent.

Previous: Getting Started with Markdown Next: Dynamic Documents