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Github Pages

40 Minutes

Learning Objectives


Start a repository for the page on github

Set up the page on github

Downloand (“clone”) the repository to your computer

We will need the command line here, so open terminal (Linux/Mac) or git bash (Windows) * Go back to the “Code” tab of your repository by clicking on “Code” at the top. * Click on “Clone or download” * Copy the HTTPS link for your repository * If you have SSH activated for github, use the SSH link instead. * In the Terminal (or on git bash on Windows), navigate to the location where you want to put your repository. Desktop is a easy choice.

cd ~/Desktop
git clone<yourgithubusername>/my-first-webpage.git

(the URI will look slightly different using SSH, but the git clone command works exactly the same) * In Atom, using the “Open Folder” command under “File”, open your my-first-webpage repository. * You should see 3 files on your left: .gitignore,, and _config.yml

Configuring your page

title: John Doe's Homepage
layout: default
# John Doe's Homepage
You can find my Resume [here](/


Can you figure out how to add the resume from the last topic as a separate page on the website? What is its link? Can you change the link from the homepage so it links to it?


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