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3 hours

Learning Objectives


Open your document in Rstudio. Click Knit. You’ll see a publish button in the item view pane - click it. You’ll be redirected to the rpubs web site. If you don’t have an account you’ll need to register. You’ll see a screen with basic metadata, but all is optional. Your document is published online!


Sign up for GitHub if you don’t have an account. Create a new repository (the name doesn’t mater) and make sure to check the box for Initialize this repo with a README file. Open Finder of Windows explorer on your computer. Navigate to the FSCI directory and find the .html file you’ve been knitting. Rename this file to index.html. On GitHub, Click on Upload a file. Drag index.html to the box and click the green button at the bottom. Now go to settings on GitHub. Scroll down to the GHPages section and click the dropbown to select masster. Click Save. If you now scroll down to the GHPages section you’ll see a url. Copy this and go back to the code section of your GitHub Repository. Click and add the url. If you clikc this link you’ll see your report!


We need to copy all files used by knitter into our GitHub repository. Make a copy of your .Rmd file that doesn’t include the ORCID section (The authentication is a pain). Then we need to tell Binder that we want to run R and what our dependencies are. In GitHub, create a runtime.txt file that contains: r-2018-07-09. This chooses a version of R at the date indicated. Next create a install.R file that contains:


Now edit the README file in Github and add:

replacing AuthorCarpentry with your GitHub account name and R-Binder with your GitHub repository name. Click the Binder button and your environment will load (it might take up to 20 mins the first time).


See conclusions on the HackMD document