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Author Carpentry : Persistent access for research outputs with Digital Object Identifiers

Content Contributors: Gail Clement, Tom Morrell

Lesson Maintainers: Tom Morrell

Lesson status: Active

What you will learn:


  1. Intro
  2. Register a DOI


Author Carpentry’s teaching is hands-on, so participants are encouraged to use their own computers to insure the proper setup of tools for an efficient workflow.

You should have a list of publications (with a few DOIs) and a scholarly object (like a presentation, data set, report, or photo) that you are willing to share in an open repository with an associated DOI.

This lesson requires basic familiarity with the bash shell, similar to the experience gained through the Software Carpentry shell lesson. You’ll need to have a bash shell installed, you can follow these instructions.

If you choose, you can also install an open source json parsing tool, jQuery, available at: jq json parser to be able to ‘pretty print’ json data retrieved from API services

Cheat Sheet

jQuery (jq) Quick API Reference,
