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Benefits of using your ORCID iD

20 Minutes

Learning Objectives

As ORCID gains status as a global standard identifier for authors, an increasing number of research services integrate with ORCID. Examples or services that harvest ORCID data and display publication metrics include:


Let’s create a NIH or NSF Biosketch in SciENcv. If you do not already have a NIH account, you can avoid creating a separate login by clicking the 3rd party sign in option on the login screen and picking ORCID. Go to MySciEnCV and, click the blue “Click Here to Start” button, and look for the 3rd party sign in link

3rd party login option

Search for ORCID, and login. Sometimes you get redirected to the main NIH account page, SciENcv is in the bottom left. Click Create New Biosketch, give it a name, pick a format, and select ORCID as the data source.

External source selection

You’ll be able to add works from your ORCID record to the Biosketch with just one click.

Selecting references

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